Tuesday, March 22, 2011

moved in...again!

Our friends from our small group Nick and Naomi have graciously offered us to move into their house and take care of their house while they're gone to the States for the next three months.  This actually helps us in many ways...so much space for Ari to play in, my parents, grandparents and aunts are closer so we can see them more often before we go back to the U.S., financially, logistically...  it is a blessing!  It happened so fast that last week was a whirlwind.

Ari and Ti are taking their afternoon naps and I am enjoying a cup of green tea sitting in this bright sunlit living room soaking in peace and solitude of the moment.  The only con about living here is that Daniel has to commute long hours everyday.  He lives around 11 in the morning and doesn't come home until about 8:30 at night.  Poor hubby!  We exchange a couple of text messages during the day and try to stay connected...

This morning during Ti's nap, I went for a run around the neighborhood.  It's been so long I was quickly out of breath but boy, did it feel good!!!  I came back to nice smell of cookies baking in the oven and my hubby and Ari working in the kitchen.

Sometimes it seems that I have a third child in the form of a little dino.

She did it all by herself!

eating a strawberry picked right in Nick and Naomi's living room!

Strolling on the balcony

 (Vitamin) Gummy bears waiting to be eaten--she needs to finish her lunch first!

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