Saturday, January 15, 2011


So we have a fireplace now.  I'm sitting by it as I type.  I hear the crackles and popping.  It's great!  If only I could really feel the warmth and smell the wood burning...  Daniel got it for me.  It'd be nice if we could watch a movie at the same time. :P

Ti's two month old as of yesterday.  He weighs 5.4 kg and is 65 cm long.  That would be almost 12 pounds and 25.6 inches.  I always worry that he's not eating enough or gaining weight fast enough... Daniel reminds me that I was like that with Ari too and that I would worry about something else if not this.  I think he's right but I can't help it!  Here's the little guy at two month old:
two month old Ti
Transition from one to two kids has been challenging.  I'm sure it's challenging for many different reasons for different moms but for me the worst time is when I feel like Ari or Ti feels left out... it really is hard to give full attention to one without feeling guilty about the other.  It's slowly getting easier as I learn to intentionally divide my time and energy evenly... but I'm an idealist so I rarely feel like I do a good job and often feel too exhausted.  Hopefully one day I'll become a natural. :)  Also, I look forward to the the days when they will need and want each other more than their mom or dad!  Then maybe I'll want another baby to hold...but for now my hands are really full and it is hard to imagine having any more.  But then I still am an idealist and my ideal is to have another boy and another girl. :P

reading before bed


  1. faith at 2 years old my grandson logan didnt weigh 20 lbs, he hardly ate anything, at 4 yrs hes 33 lbs, just a little guy, my boys had to wear slim pants they were so skinny. the doctors said logan was so small, they tagged him failure to surive at 2 years old, well they since changed there mind, his dad is but a bean pole, so dont worry, he looks very healthy to me, he is just fine.

  2. Hey Faith,
    your son is in the 55% for his weight and 98% for his length, so stop worrying : ) (I laughed when I read your post, remembering how you used to worry about Arielle next to all of our insanely fat babies : )
    Here's a great chart you can use while in Korea:, to ease your mind. My guess is he'll drop from such a high height percentage over the next couple months, but as long as his weight stays around 50%, you can know that everything is just fine!

    Wish I could sit by your *fireplace* with you and have a cup of tea. I miss you so much!

    Oh, and when Lucy was an infant, I used to make sure to use one of her naps as an opportunity to do something special with Ava (craft, working on letters, play-doh, etc). That way, when Lucy woke up and needed me, Ava was more ready to go off and play by herself.

  3. Thanks, guys... I probably will still worry or find something else to worry I was worrying about Ti not making 6 wet diapers! ha! :)

    Teri, thanks for the chart--great tool! Also, knowing the percentage really helps since that's what I'm used to! There's a really neat coffee place a little walk from here...they sell Illy coffee. Wish we could have a date there when our kids are all in bed or with all our kids! :P

  4. faithy, you need to give me more and more nieces and nephews!! haven't you heard of the show "19 kids and counting"? hehehe... i love you guys and miss you soooooooooooooooooooooo much. i'm ready for some root beer floats and watching movies and dates to tj's... would you come home already?
