Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nothing Special

One of the few things for which I am thankful to God while living here is Ari's health.  She has not been sick for longer than half a year, which is really something for a toddler who still puts her hands and everything she touches in her mouth!  She has been such a trooper--eating well and adjusting so well to living here.

Ari being goofy as usual
She has no real friends and is stuck at home most of the time with mommy and her two month old little brother now in this small apartment with the same old toys and books.   I think of all that I feel like she is missing out socially and intellectually during this time (because either I am ignorant here or because we live here) it makes me so sad... She could be going to preschool and having so much fun with her new found independence if we never left Wheaton!   Well, there is no better place for her to be than to be with us at home here--that's what we've decided, so for this too, I am thankful.

So since last night, she's been sick, probably with a cold.  Starting with daddy around Thanksgiving, we've now been all sick at least once.  Hopefully our littlest will somehow miraculously be protected!!!

I tried to get Ti's smiles on camera today and it was not so successful. :(  Here is the best one I've got.

I did not tackle any dishes or much cooking... gave Ari a much needed bath and manicure, tried to watch Ti for tired signs so he could be well rested, tried to keep Ari from touching or coughing on Ti, and tried not to worry about Ti not gaining weight fast enough and not sleeping well, etc.

I went out to get some yogurt and OJ by myself after the kids were in bed.  It was nice to get some fresh cold air into my lungs even for a few minutes!

I wonder what each of my kids' highlight of the day was... Ari's might have been reading with me? bath? gummy bears after dinner?  Ti's is a hard one to guess... sitting on my lap while I was singing to him?  Watching daddy eat Mac & Cheese for dinner?  Mine was doing dishes with Daniel laughing about how I always know what he is going to say...

OK, I better hit the hay!  I will be up in a couple of hours nursing, if I'm lucky!  I am SUPER grateful that life changes and that this winter WILL end and spring WILL come as long as God wills!  And that our life in Seoul is slowly coming to a close.  This blog is to chronicle this latter part of our year in Korea.


  1. you're such a good mommy faith!! i love you and your babies so much and miss you guys too!! hope ari is feeling better...

  2. I always thought you should have a blog! You are such an introspective, thoughtful mom, and I am sending you words of encouragement to 'keep this up!!' We love you guys and rarely do 2 days pass that S & I don't mention to one another how bad we miss you all. Can't wait to hold sweet little Ti. : )

  3. hopefully you will be back home with your friends and fam soon, we are awaiting that day too. keep your chin up, you are a great mommy and nothin is better than spending the precious little time you have with them when they are little, they will be grown and gone before you know it

  4. I'm glad that you started a blog, too, Faith! The pictures are great, and I love knowing what's going on, halfway around the world, where part of my wonderful family is! I cannot wait to see you all again, hopefully someday soon! Love you!
